Slowly knockin' down the to-do list, thankfully. It almost seems like every item I check off leads to another being added.
Checked off the list:
-Jetted to Edmond after working at my real job and met up with Zach. Together we proceeded to Firestone and initiated the necessary motions for three new trailer tires (MUCH needed after who knows how many months of saying "man, we're going to have a trailer blowout this time"). Seriously, you should see these tires. The axel has some kind of misalignment issue, leading to the right tire wearing down extremely unevenly and severely. It's okay if we have a blowout because we have a spare--the tire that was in it's place before and is somehow still holding air. This issue (and constant fear when driving to shows) will be no more after this weekend.
-Car repair on the Suburban is also in motion. Road ready rig en route.
-Finally finished constructing padded and durable storage units for our crazy-huge, 1,364 watt smoke machine and laser generators. Whew.
-Met up with Wil and tackled a gnarly stack of email and promotion tasks. By next week, all of the venues we will be playing this summer will have tour posters to stick somewhere eye catching to advertise that particular show. We also constructed some media releases that will soon be trucked all across the nation by the trustworthy United States Postal Service for various magazines, blogs, labels, and other publications. Here's a bit of the late night handywork:

Promotion from across state lines is a dehydrating sport:
We topped off the evening prior to my Norman bound departure like most normal people do--with 10 syncopated pushups on a carpet floor. Mmmm.. revitalizing.
Got home late and watched "Up" for the first time. That old guy definitely did not have an instrument rating, no wonder descending through those clouds lead to trouble--"Mr. Fredrickson, turn left 1-8-0, descend and maintain 3,000 until established on the... uh there is no localizer ...or IAP out here . . . radar services terminated, maintain VFR." Training, people. Training.
T-minus four weeks, here's the tour as of now:
June 4 - Denton, TX - The Boiler Room
June 5 - Austin - Scoot Inn
June 19 - Wichita, KS - LIV Music Festival
June 21 - Lawrence, KS - Eighth Street Tap Room
June 22 - Columbia, MO - Mojo's
June 23 - St. Louis, MO - 2720 Cherokee
June 24 - Champaign, IL - Mike N' Molly's
June 25 - Chicago, IL - Quenchers
June 26 - Chicago, IL - Ronny's
June 27 - Indianapolis, IN - Birdy's Bar and Grill
June 29 - Memphis, TN - Nocturnal
June 30 - New Orleans, LA - The Circle Bar
July 1 - Austin, TX - Mohawk Lounge
July 2 - Denton, TX - The Boiler Room
July 6 - Amarillo, TX - 806 Coffee Lounge
July 8 - El Paso, TX - The Percolator
July 12 - Phoenix, AZ - The Rogue Bar
July 14 - Los Angeles, CA - The Viper Room
July 15 - San Francisco, CA - Pissed Off Pete's
July 17 - Portland, OR - Big Busk Music Festival
July 17 - Portland, OR - Mt Tabor Theater
July 18 - Portland, OR - Rotture
July 20 - Seattle, WA - Comet Tavern
July 21 - Provo, UT - Velour Music Gallery
July 22-25 - Denver, CO - Underground Music Showcase Festival
July 24 - Fort Collins, CO - Avogadro's Number
July 25 - Lincoln, NE - The Bourbon Theater
July 26 - Omaha, NE - O'leaver's Pub
July 28 - Chicago, IL - Quenchers
July 30-31 - Tulsa, OK - Free Tulsa Music Festival
It's a beautiful Friday morning and I have a great day ahead full of sunshine, band stuff and a pretty girl. Man, life is hard.
--life on the line continues!